The Rev’d Liz Palin - Team Rector

Liz Palin is the Rector of the Stroudwater Team and looks after the churches to the West of the M5 motorway, being based at St Mary's in Frampton-on-Severn. She is also an Assistant Area Dean in the Stroud Deanery - the sub-divison of the Dicosese of Gloucester that includes the Stroudwater Benefice.

Liz was licensed in April 2018 and became Rector in August 2023.

Before ordination her ministry was running diocesan retreats and conference centres. Before joining us she was a team vicar in Cheltenham, and is also the Diocesan Spirituality Advisor. She is married and has two grown up daughters, a cat and a dog!


Tel: 01452 741147 or 07498 355919

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